
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Political Philosophy by Fr. Schall: 60. Republic Book 10
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
"The unity of the Republic is complete- from the first words of Socrates at his trial to the last words at the end of the Republic we have an ever deepening reflection on the order of things..."
For over 35 years, Fr. James Schall taught Political Philosophy at Georgetown University, where he was legendary among generations of students. If you want an experience of what those students enjoyed, this course is the place to begin. Fr. Schall starts with Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics and then, with wisdom and wit, guides his listeners through the thought of the great Roman statesman Cicero, the French Catholic philosopher Yves Simon, the Old and New Testaments, the political thought of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas on Law, Machiavelli, politics in the plays of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and finally, Plato’s masterwork, the Republic. It is a historical and intellectual tour de force in 60 lectures. What generations of students had to pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear, you can now have in recorded lectures to listen to over and over again. In preserving the lectures of Fr. Schall, we at the Catholic International University feel that we are fulfilling the mission set by our founder Ralph McInerny: to make the best Catholic lectures available as widely as possible to the public. Please don’t miss this opportunity to engage in one of the greatest intellectual journeys you’ll ever take with one of this generation’s wisest guides.

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Political Philosophy by Fr. Schall: 59. Republic Chapter 8-9
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
Books Eight and Nine concern the decline of existing states. After the city in speech is argued in the first seven books, a theme from the end of book four reappears, that of the order of "decline" of states and the reasons for it. The citizen and the state are parallel, one decline leads to the next, ending in tyranny.
For over 35 years, Fr. James Schall taught Political Philosophy at Georgetown University, where he was legendary among generations of students. If you want an experience of what those students enjoyed, this course is the place to begin. Fr. Schall starts with Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics and then, with wisdom and wit, guides his listeners through the thought of the great Roman statesman Cicero, the French Catholic philosopher Yves Simon, the Old and New Testaments, the political thought of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas on Law, Machiavelli, politics in the plays of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and finally, Plato’s masterwork, the Republic. It is a historical and intellectual tour de force in 60 lectures. What generations of students had to pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear, you can now have in recorded lectures to listen to over and over again. In preserving the lectures of Fr. Schall, we at the Catholic International University feel that we are fulfilling the mission set by our founder Ralph McInerny: to make the best Catholic lectures available as widely as possible to the public. Please don’t miss this opportunity to engage in one of the greatest intellectual journeys you’ll ever take with one of this generation’s wisest guides.

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Political Philosophy by Fr. Schall: 58. Republic Chapter 7
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
Book Seven of The Republic is most famous. It contains the story of the Cave, which is a summary of the whole book and of much of Plato's philosophy. It deals with the city and philosophy, as well as with the proper education of the philosopher.
For over 35 years, Fr. James Schall taught Political Philosophy at Georgetown University, where he was legendary among generations of students. If you want an experience of what those students enjoyed, this course is the place to begin. Fr. Schall starts with Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics and then, with wisdom and wit, guides his listeners through the thought of the great Roman statesman Cicero, the French Catholic philosopher Yves Simon, the Old and New Testaments, the political thought of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas on Law, Machiavelli, politics in the plays of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and finally, Plato’s masterwork, the Republic. It is a historical and intellectual tour de force in 60 lectures. What generations of students had to pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear, you can now have in recorded lectures to listen to over and over again. In preserving the lectures of Fr. Schall, we at the Catholic International University feel that we are fulfilling the mission set by our founder Ralph McInerny: to make the best Catholic lectures available as widely as possible to the public. Please don’t miss this opportunity to engage in one of the greatest intellectual journeys you’ll ever take with one of this generation’s wisest guides.

Monday Jul 11, 2022
Political Philosophy by Fr. Schall: 57. Republic Chapter 5-6
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
Book 5 is the famous book about the communality of wives, children and property. It is Socrates' explanation of why the king and philosopher should be joined, then he speaks of the education of the philosopher. Book 6 wants to know why philosophers are not welcome in most existing states. He uses the illustration of the ship to describe the state. In the meantime, we see that the Republic is not just about justice but the good.
For over 35 years, Fr. James Schall taught Political Philosophy at Georgetown University, where he was legendary among generations of students. If you want an experience of what those students enjoyed, this course is the place to begin. Fr. Schall starts with Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics and then, with wisdom and wit, guides his listeners through the thought of the great Roman statesman Cicero, the French Catholic philosopher Yves Simon, the Old and New Testaments, the political thought of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas on Law, Machiavelli, politics in the plays of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and finally, Plato’s masterwork, the Republic. It is a historical and intellectual tour de force in 60 lectures. What generations of students had to pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear, you can now have in recorded lectures to listen to over and over again. In preserving the lectures of Fr. Schall, we at the Catholic International University feel that we are fulfilling the mission set by our founder Ralph McInerny: to make the best Catholic lectures available as widely as possible to the public. Please don’t miss this opportunity to engage in one of the greatest intellectual journeys you’ll ever take with one of this generation’s wisest guides.

Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Political Philosophy by Fr. Schall: 56. Republic Chapter 4
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
Book 4 of the Republic wants to know whether the philosophers are happy, since they get no rewards. Socrates explains that they are happy because their good is the common good.
For over 35 years, Fr. James Schall taught Political Philosophy at Georgetown University, where he was legendary among generations of students. If you want an experience of what those students enjoyed, this course is the place to begin. Fr. Schall starts with Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics and then, with wisdom and wit, guides his listeners through the thought of the great Roman statesman Cicero, the French Catholic philosopher Yves Simon, the Old and New Testaments, the political thought of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas on Law, Machiavelli, politics in the plays of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and finally, Plato’s masterwork, the Republic. It is a historical and intellectual tour de force in 60 lectures. What generations of students had to pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear, you can now have in recorded lectures to listen to over and over again. In preserving the lectures of Fr. Schall, we at the Catholic International University feel that we are fulfilling the mission set by our founder Ralph McInerny: to make the best Catholic lectures available as widely as possible to the public. Please don’t miss this opportunity to engage in one of the greatest intellectual journeys you’ll ever take with one of this generation’s wisest guides.

Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Political Philosophy by Fr. Schall: 55. Republic Chapter 3
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
Book Three continues where Book Two left off, with the reasons why Socrates thought that it was the poets, especially Homer, who corrupted the city. It was because the arts, music, poetry, dancing, gymnastics are disordered and effect the souls. This inaugurates the famous discussion about whether and why we are moved to good or bad by what charms us.
For over 35 years, Fr. James Schall taught Political Philosophy at Georgetown University, where he was legendary among generations of students. If you want an experience of what those students enjoyed, this course is the place to begin. Fr. Schall starts with Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics and then, with wisdom and wit, guides his listeners through the thought of the great Roman statesman Cicero, the French Catholic philosopher Yves Simon, the Old and New Testaments, the political thought of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas on Law, Machiavelli, politics in the plays of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and finally, Plato’s masterwork, the Republic. It is a historical and intellectual tour de force in 60 lectures. What generations of students had to pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear, you can now have in recorded lectures to listen to over and over again. In preserving the lectures of Fr. Schall, we at the Catholic International University feel that we are fulfilling the mission set by our founder Ralph McInerny: to make the best Catholic lectures available as widely as possible to the public. Please don’t miss this opportunity to engage in one of the greatest intellectual journeys you’ll ever take with one of this generation’s wisest guides.

Friday Jul 08, 2022
Political Philosophy by Fr. Schall: 54. Republic Chapter 2
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
Book Two of the Republic begins with the concern of Glaucon and Adeimantus about the arguments of book one about justice. They want justice praised for its own sake, not for its awards and punishments. This conversation leads Socrates into forming a "city in speech or mind" to find out where injustice comes into or cities and souls. It turns out to be in our education.
For over 35 years, Fr. James Schall taught Political Philosophy at Georgetown University, where he was legendary among generations of students. If you want an experience of what those students enjoyed, this course is the place to begin. Fr. Schall starts with Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics and then, with wisdom and wit, guides his listeners through the thought of the great Roman statesman Cicero, the French Catholic philosopher Yves Simon, the Old and New Testaments, the political thought of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas on Law, Machiavelli, politics in the plays of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and finally, Plato’s masterwork, the Republic. It is a historical and intellectual tour de force in 60 lectures. What generations of students had to pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear, you can now have in recorded lectures to listen to over and over again. In preserving the lectures of Fr. Schall, we at the Catholic International University feel that we are fulfilling the mission set by our founder Ralph McInerny: to make the best Catholic lectures available as widely as possible to the public. Please don’t miss this opportunity to engage in one of the greatest intellectual journeys you’ll ever take with one of this generation’s wisest guides.

Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Political Philosophy by Fr. Schall: 53. Republic Chapter 1
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
The first book of the Republic is written some time after the death of Socrates. Plato wants to know why it happened. The sub-title of the Republic is "on justice," that is, what happens if in this world justice is not served? Plato's answer is the immortality of the soul and final judgment after death. Lesson, we will not and cannot have a perfect city in this world.
For over 35 years, Fr. James Schall taught Political Philosophy at Georgetown University, where he was legendary among generations of students. If you want an experience of what those students enjoyed, this course is the place to begin. Fr. Schall starts with Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics and then, with wisdom and wit, guides his listeners through the thought of the great Roman statesman Cicero, the French Catholic philosopher Yves Simon, the Old and New Testaments, the political thought of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas on Law, Machiavelli, politics in the plays of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and finally, Plato’s masterwork, the Republic. It is a historical and intellectual tour de force in 60 lectures. What generations of students had to pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear, you can now have in recorded lectures to listen to over and over again. In preserving the lectures of Fr. Schall, we at the Catholic International University feel that we are fulfilling the mission set by our founder Ralph McInerny: to make the best Catholic lectures available as widely as possible to the public. Please don’t miss this opportunity to engage in one of the greatest intellectual journeys you’ll ever take with one of this generation’s wisest guides.

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Political Philosophy by Fr. Schall: 52. Phaedo
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
The Phaedo is the dialogue about the last day of Socrates. He is in jail. The boat returns so his execution takes place immediately. He spends his last day in conversation with the potential philosophers about why it is all right to die. He finally drinks the hemlock and dies. The man who dies is Socrates the philosopher, executed by his city. This sets up the platonic problem of why.
For over 35 years, Fr. James Schall taught Political Philosophy at Georgetown University, where he was legendary among generations of students. If you want an experience of what those students enjoyed, this course is the place to begin. Fr. Schall starts with Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics and then, with wisdom and wit, guides his listeners through the thought of the great Roman statesman Cicero, the French Catholic philosopher Yves Simon, the Old and New Testaments, the political thought of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas on Law, Machiavelli, politics in the plays of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and finally, Plato’s masterwork, the Republic. It is a historical and intellectual tour de force in 60 lectures. What generations of students had to pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear, you can now have in recorded lectures to listen to over and over again. In preserving the lectures of Fr. Schall, we at the Catholic International University feel that we are fulfilling the mission set by our founder Ralph McInerny: to make the best Catholic lectures available as widely as possible to the public. Please don’t miss this opportunity to engage in one of the greatest intellectual journeys you’ll ever take with one of this generation’s wisest guides.

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Political Philosophy by Fr. Schall: 51. Plato on the Death of Socrates
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
This course was recorded in 2015 in an informal setting by Fr. Schall himself.
We end by reading the three dialogues on the death of Socrates, "The Apology," "The Crito," and the "Phaedo", then finally five talks on "The Republic". These dialogues are the dramatic foundation of political philosophy as well as of philosophy itself. They are to be read carefully. Pay attention to the characters, the time, the accusations and the responses.
For over 35 years, Fr. James Schall taught Political Philosophy at Georgetown University, where he was legendary among generations of students. If you want an experience of what those students enjoyed, this course is the place to begin. Fr. Schall starts with Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics and then, with wisdom and wit, guides his listeners through the thought of the great Roman statesman Cicero, the French Catholic philosopher Yves Simon, the Old and New Testaments, the political thought of St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas on Law, Machiavelli, politics in the plays of Shakespeare, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Nietzsche, and finally, Plato’s masterwork, the Republic. It is a historical and intellectual tour de force in 60 lectures. What generations of students had to pay thousands of dollars in tuition to hear, you can now have in recorded lectures to listen to over and over again. In preserving the lectures of Fr. Schall, we at the Catholic International University feel that we are fulfilling the mission set by our founder Ralph McInerny: to make the best Catholic lectures available as widely as possible to the public. Please don’t miss this opportunity to engage in one of the greatest intellectual journeys you’ll ever take with one of this generation’s wisest guides.